Holographic Competition of Phases and Superconductivity

QCN members E. Kiritsis and Li Li, has used holographic techniques to model and study the competition of four phases: an antiferromagnetic phase, a superconducting phase, a metallic phase and a striped phase, using as control parameters temperature and a doping-like parameter. This is motivated by the need to understand the phase diagram of strange metals. As strong coupling is important, holographic techniques are appropriate. They analyse the various instabilities and determine the possible phases. One class of phase diagrams, that are analyse in detail, is similar to that of high-temperature superconductors as well as other strange metal materials.


Comments: 73 pages, 24 figures; v2: references added
Subjects: Strongly Correlated Electrons (cond-mat.str-el); Superconductivity (cond-mat.supr-con); High Energy Physics - Theory (hep-th)
Report number: CCTP-2015-19, CCQCN-2015-102
arXiv.org: http://arxiv.org/abs/1510.00020

Outreach Archives

  • Tuesday, 3. February 2015

    In recent a article of QCN researchers in Physical Review B, the mythological beast chimera appears on the title of the paper.


  • Tuesday, 10. June 2014

    QCN researchers have performed extensive measurements of the electric polarization on Sr and Li doped La2CuO4 single crystals. It is shown that La1.999Sr0.001CuO4 exhibits distinct ferroelectric behavior along different crystallographic directions.

