
  • Venue
    The Workshop will take place at Atlantis Hotel, which is found at the city center of Heraklion.


  • Accommodation
    For the workshop speakers, rooms will be booked at Atlantis hotel by the organizers. Reservations will be made for a single room. If you want a double room instead, please mention it at the comment section, while registering. CCQCN can cover the cost of a single room only. The organizers will deal with the payment of the hotel, so you don’t need to ask for a bill at your leave (except if there are extra charges to the room like phone calls, lunches etc.).
    For the participants, whose accommodation cost will not be covered by CCQCN, direct reservations could also be made at the following nearby hotels: Atrion Hotel, El Greco Hotel, Kastro Hotel, Lato Hotel. In that case, payments should be made while checking out.

  • Registration
    Please complete the relevant form.

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